Saturday, October 28, 2006

New Location!

Please note that our next NB meeting on Nov. 15th will be in BLOCH room 205 from 5 to 7 pm. BLOCH is next to Wills.
Bring your portfolio manuals.

See you there!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Check out these bright faces that appeared at our last NB meeting. We discussed the types of writing and what they would look like as questions in a portfolio. I am working on loading on our blog the powerpoints I have created just for this group. Thanks for your patience.

Come join the quest to become national board certified. Our next scheduled meeting is N0vember 15th from 5 until 7 pm. We will meet in Wills 200. We will know of our grant recipients and can celebrate.

Candidate Support Providers (mentors) will be on hand to offer support and guidance. Bring your portfolio directions to serve as a guide. Just think of it as exercise lugging that big notebook around.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

PD Web...sign up now available!

You will find our Tuesday, October 17th meeting on the PD web now! Sign up to be listed on the sign in sheet and help track your inservice hours. The web says "An overview" but we will be discussing the types of writing involved in the process.

Just like with an iceberg, National Boards has a lot of information under the surface, but our goal is to chip away toward your understanding and completion of the process. YOU can do this!

See you Tuesday!

Monday, October 09, 2006

It's all in the writing!

Our next scheduled meeting of the Alabama National Board Seekers is October 17th in Wills 200 at 5:00 pm. We will be celebrating your accomplishments (please plan to brag on yourself) and discussing different types of writing. I also want to discuss the contextual information part and why the rubrics are so important.

Bring your troubles, ideas, hopes, fears, and dreams....I'll see you there.