Tuesday, December 18, 2007

ALABAMA State Department Grant Application Link

Thinking about doing National Board Certification, but need the funds? Apply for the Alabama State Grant. The application can be found here:


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


This inspiration is just for you!! Happy Writing!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


If you're not ready to climb a mountain, then see if you can walk up a gentle hill. If you're not ready to walk up a hill, then set out to take a leisurely stroll.

If you're not able to walk that far, then you can take a single step. After taking that step you'll likely find that you're ready to take another.

If you have trouble imagining yourself reaching your goal, then imagine yourself taking one small, simple action in the direction of that goal. Imagine it, and then do it.

After that first step, there will be another one you can take, something that's a little bit more challenging and yet not overwhelming. Keep it up, and soon the ultimate goal begins to come into view.

Anything can be accomplished if you are willing to keep taking the next step when it is time to do so. What you lack in brute strength, or resources, or knowledge, or skills, you can make up for with persistence.

You absolutely can get where you choose to go, step after step after persistent step. And now is the perfect time to begin.

-- Ralph Marston

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Mentors are Coming!

Tonight Montevallo's Ongoing Learning Group...known as the Alabama National Board Seekers will meet on campus (room Wills 200) to discuss the different types of writing involved in the portfolio AND videotaping tips. Mentors will be introduced and you will have time to connect.

I hope to see you there from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Write, Right! Dec. 11th meeting UM campus

The next National Board Support meeting will be on December 11, 2007 on campus in Wills room 200 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

The topic will be WRITE, RIGHT! We will be discussing the different types of writing involved in the National Board process and WHY you need to know the difference!

Come join us!

Saturday, December 01, 2007


One of my favorite sites that offers FREE daily motivation is http://www.dailymotivator.com/
Check out below the one for today!
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Yes you can do it

Yes, you can do it. And you can begin right now.
Sure, you've run into problems in the past. Yet there is a way to get past every one of them.
When it is important enough to you and meaningful enough for you, you will find a way. There is a positive, effective step that you can take this very moment.

It will require effort on your part, as well as commitment and persistence. Fortunately, you are fully capable of all those things.
Yes, you can do it, and in the process you will more fully become the beautiful, unique person you are meant to be.
You will grow more capable, more confident, more knowledgeable and experienced.
When your objective is connected with the purpose that drives every other purpose, there is no doubt that you can do it. Begin now to work your way there.
-- Ralph Marston
Next meeting on campus is Dec. 11 Wills 200 5:00-7:00 pm

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Next National Board Candidate Support Meeting-Dec. 11th


Who: All University of Montevallo Inservice Region NB Candidates

What: The topic is types of writing involved in the portfolio

Where: UM campus Wills 200

When: Dec. 11th 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

Why: Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much!"

Helen Keller

Come join the fun! Register on PDweb today.

Monday, November 12, 2007

First Meeting for NEW CANDIDATES!

ATTENTION New National Board Candidates in the University of Montevallo Inservice Center Region 7!
Join me for our first meeting on November 13 to support candidates working toward becoming certified.
Special guests include last year's candidates and Alabama's newest National Board Certified Teachers. We are so proud of their accomplishments.
Our topic of discussion will include learning from others, tips on getting started on this tremendous journey, and planning other meetings.
The meeting will begin promptly at 5:00 pm. in Wills 200 (Education Department) on the University of Montevallo campus.
See you there!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Scores are in!

SCORES ARE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO TO http://www.nbpts.org/ today!

My fingers are crossed for you.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Who got the grant?

If you received the STATE GRANT and want to be involved in the U of Montevallo Inservice Center National Board Learning Group this.........please contact me ASAP at:

And CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Share Your Video for the State NB Grant

Video viewing and critiquing for the Alabama State Department National Board grant will be held at the Talladega City Board of Education in the Board Room on September 11 at 3:30 pm. If you are submitting a grant and want feedback on the video, email me. pthomas@talladega-cs.net

I will be happy to take a look, plus others in attendance can give feedback. We will be using the rubric that scorers use when the grants are reviewed at the State Department.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New National Board Support Group Forming!

The University of Montevallo Inservice Center is forming a new support group for teachers interested in participating in the National Board Certification process.

We will meet monthly to discuss the process, share helpful tips, have guest speakers, and learn from each other.

For more information, check the PD web for meeting dates and times.

For application forms, click here. http://www.savefile.com/files/970930/

For a copy of tonight's powerpoint, click here. http://www.savefile.com/files/970916

Saturday, May 19, 2007

S.O.S. for the Assessment Center

Here are the survivors of the University of Montevallo's Inservice Center National Board Ongoing Learning Group. Their last phase of the mission is the ASSESSMENT CENTER. I have nothing but high hopes for each one. They have proven their dedication to the field of education with the completion of the portfolio and will rise to the last leg of the race...the Assessment Center.

As promised....here are some of the most helpful tools I have collected from myself and others throughout my mission to help teachers become NBCTS. I hope you will find something that is helpful.


Pathways to Play by Sandara Heiderman and Deborah Hewitt
ISBN: 0-934140-65-0

The Play's the Thing...A Teacher's Roles in children's Play by Elizabeyh Jones and Gretchen Reynolds
ISBN: 0-8077-3171-4

Word Matters by Pinnell and Fountas (page 104-105 Full of questions you might ask about student)

Reading and Writing
Invitations by Regie Routman

Locating and Correcting Reading Difficulties by Eldon Sckwall

Kid Writing by Eileen G. Feldgus and Isabell Cardonick
ISBN: 0-322-00763-1

Apprenticeship in Literacy by Dorn, French and Jones
ISBN: 1-57110-088-1

Observational Survey-Marie Clay (good testing/questioning)

All Entries and Assessment Center
Building the Primary Classroom by Toni bickart, Judy R. Jablon, Diane Trister Dodge

Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs by Sue Bredekamp and Carol Copple, Editors
ISBN: 0-935989-79-X
www.naeyc.org 1-800-424-2460

Science books
Doing what scientists do by Ellen Doris
ISBN: 0-435-08309-0

Good Luck!!! Remember... just a day at the Beach...and blow some bubbles for me!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Grant Results are IN!

You should have received your grant results by today. Please let me know how you did so I can plan to support you in the future.

For those who did not receive the grant, think about it as NOT YET! Analyze your video and writing using the rubrics provided, (in the application) to help you develop a plan to re-apply.

Remember the Inservice Center wants to assist you in this endeavor!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Grant Applicants!!

If you turned in a SPRING application for the National Board Grant, I have news for you! The results were mailed today (Wednesday, May 1) and you should know by the end of this week.
Of course, I have high hopes for you all!

In case you don't know, I will be meeting with those who are doing the assessment center soon. We will meet on Montevallo's campus (Wills 200) on May 17th from 5 to 7 pm. Share the news with anyone you think will benefit. They should be able to register on the PD web.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Assessment Center- Let's Get Ready!

Well, the portfolio is gone and hopefully you will take some time to return to the Land of the Living! Maybe your family and friends still recognize you. Of course, your journey is not complete until the Assessment Center is done.

To assist candidates, the University of Montevallo Inservice Center is planning a session entitled, "The Assessment Center- Let's Get Ready!" This session is scheduled for May 17th from 5:00 until 7:00 pm. on the campus of the University of Montevallo, in Wills 200. You must register on STI PDweb for this session. It should be posted sometime this week.

We will have an overview of the experience and a breakdown of different National Board Certification Area requirements. Your input and knowledge is very valuable to the group. Bring your fears, questions, and motivational strategies to share with others.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


BELOW IS AN INSPIRATION FROM RALPH MARSTON. I have posted it before but it's worth revisiting whether you are hard at work on your portfolio or applying for the grant.

You could come up with all sorts of very reasonable excuses for not taking action. Or you can simply do what is to be done.You could worry about what might or might not happen. Or you can get busy and make sure you achieve the result you desire.

You could take one look at the immensity of the challenge and decide that there's no way around it. Or you can begin to work your way, step by step, through that challenge.You could delay and procrastinate and find plenty of ways to distract yourself from the task at hand. Or you can choose to enjoy the real fulfillment of making a positive, substantial contribution to life.

You could listen to all those people who tell you with certainty that it can't be done and that you're not qualified to do it. Or you can decide that you'll find a way to make it happen.

In the end, whatever the excuses or distractions or challenges may be, the decision is always yours. For when you choose to, you can do it


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Great National Board Interest in Montevallo Inservice Region

The interest of teachers in the University of Montevallo Inservice Region concerning National Board Certification was apparent on February 28th in Wills Hall Room GI! Many teachers were already seated and more continued to arrive to receive the latest information on how to become nationally certified.

The group was very knowledgeable about the process and the state grant that is available to help with the cost of process. To learn more about the grant process and print the application forms visit:
The deadline to apply for the grant is March 12.

Janet Taylor, an employee of the UM Inservice Center, will not be able to help with videotaping. Please ask within your system to receive technical support.

If teachers want to pay for the process for the school year 2007-2008, they would do the following:

A fee of $65.00 is due upon registering.
If paying a lump sum, the payment of $2,500 is due by January 31, 2008.
If using the extended payment plan, candidates may make payments until March 15, 2007, which is the due date for the total amount.

If you would like to have a reader for the "Five Core Proposition" Essay, a part of the grant application, I will be happy to help. Please email by attachment to pthomas1628@charter.net.

To receive more information about National Board Certification, visit www.nbpts.org or call

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Motivation Site to visit

For a motivational break, please visit:


The March meeting has been canceled due to a lot of packing and celebrating!
If you know anyone who desires information about National Board Certification and the State Department of Education grant process, please share the following:
National Board Certification Information Session
February 28th
University of Montevallo Campus
Wills 200
4:00-5:30 pm.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Worth Checking Out!

Hey Guys!
Remember that book the inservice center provided, " The National Board Certification Workbook?" There are a few pages you might want to check for clarification of topics we discussed at the last meeting.

Page 55-56 Gives great teaching strategies. You may already be using these and did not consider these strategies.

Page 70-71 The author of the book shares one of her accomplishments. It is a great example of strong writing! She is clear about the description, significance, and impact on student learning.

Page 92-93 Scoring is discussed on these pages. The author stresses the use of "How will my response be scored."

page 94 Author suggests you score your own entry. See if you can find evidence of the standards.

I'm still thinking about you! YOU CAN DO THIS!