Thursday, March 01, 2007

Great National Board Interest in Montevallo Inservice Region

The interest of teachers in the University of Montevallo Inservice Region concerning National Board Certification was apparent on February 28th in Wills Hall Room GI! Many teachers were already seated and more continued to arrive to receive the latest information on how to become nationally certified.

The group was very knowledgeable about the process and the state grant that is available to help with the cost of process. To learn more about the grant process and print the application forms visit:
The deadline to apply for the grant is March 12.

Janet Taylor, an employee of the UM Inservice Center, will not be able to help with videotaping. Please ask within your system to receive technical support.

If teachers want to pay for the process for the school year 2007-2008, they would do the following:

A fee of $65.00 is due upon registering.
If paying a lump sum, the payment of $2,500 is due by January 31, 2008.
If using the extended payment plan, candidates may make payments until March 15, 2007, which is the due date for the total amount.

If you would like to have a reader for the "Five Core Proposition" Essay, a part of the grant application, I will be happy to help. Please email by attachment to

To receive more information about National Board Certification, visit or call

1 comment:

kb said...

I attended the overview at UM and have a question about the video for the grant from the state. The battery ran out on the camcorder while I was recording and I have only about 13-14 minutes of video, instead of 15. Is this ok?

Also, my students are in groups, and it is a little hard to decipher what each group is discussing. Granted, I only watched the play back on the camcorder itself. Will this be a problem?